Matthews bow quiver
Matthews bow quiver

matthews bow quiver

For the accessories, I migrated my CBE Engage Hybrid 5 pin sight and Torrex stabilizer. I couldn’t be happier with my bows performance. With a 27 inch draw and the limbs maxed out, I am currently pulling 79lbs and shooting a blazing 300fps using the Victory Archery VAP TKO arrows.


After selecting ambush green as my color I opted for the 75lb mods on my new Mathews V3 27. No reason in particular other than just because I wanted to. This bow can be decked out any way you want! I’ve always personally wanted to shoot an 80lb bow. From a custom build portal over at the Mathews website to a fully stocked arsenal of accessories. The new Mathews V3 system is littered with options.

matthews bow quiver

With Mathew's new two-piece quiver, shooting micro diameter arrows, sight housings made of minimal aircraft aluminum, weight is becoming less and less of an issue for us bowhunters. Clunkier sight housings, quivers that were not carbon fiber are all things of the past. As the weight of the bow has evolved so have our accessories.


This makes holding the bow at full draw much less of an effort. But, the newly redesigned riser features an extended position on the lower end that really delivers balance to the overall setup. Fast forward to today where now the Mathews V3 comes in at a weight of 4.29lbs versus the Triax that introduced me to the Mathews brand which weighed 4.4lbs. I could not even fathom (at the time) holding that bow out in front of me for an extended period trying to keep a steady hand on a target while maintaining this beast of a bow out in front of me. I remember comparing the two bows and feeling how heavy the Triax was, to the point of me swearing off the Mathews brand completely.

matthews bow quiver

At the time I was shooting a 2018 PSE Drive X, Jake was shooting a 2018 Mathews Triax. In 2019 Jake and I had both drawn early archery bull elk tags. I’m not left trying to torque the bow left or right at full draw, it simply falls into place. I feel more in control as the bow sits perfectly into the valley between my thumb and pointer finger. This bow just sits better in my hand than other previous bow brands. Another design element that I believe has affected my accuracy on a positive note is the grip design. Coupling these two things together has no doubt made me a better, more accurate archer.

matthews bow quiver

Simultaneously while I switched bow brands I also went to shooting a Carter “too simple” thumb release instead of a trigger release. In terms of accuracy for the Mathews V3, I strongly attribute that to the dead in hand, zero vibration that you receive from the bow’s design. Now I realize this is probably a coincidence and not all bows will do this, but it was pretty cool nonetheless. To my surprise, almost all of the pins were dead on for each of their yardages. After taking the bow home I hit the range assuming I would need to do a full sight in. Arizona Archery Club did the general setup and tuning to the bow and got the bow on paper at 20 yards. In fact, after I had sold my PSE Mach 1 I migrated my CBE Engage 5 pin hybrid sight to my new Mathews V3. Right out of the gate this bow was extremely accurate for me.

Matthews bow quiver